How to Make Ticketing Easier with ConnectWise

Ticketing is a vital part of any customer service process. You need to give your clients the best care possible to keep them happy and engaged with your business. The number of tickets a company gets can vary, but no matter the volume you see, it is crucial to have the best practices to make your team’s lives easier and give the best possible service to your clients.  

ConnectWise is an excellent system that helps you manage and create tickets effectively. In this blog post, we will explore the ways you can make ticketing easier using ConnectWise.  

Create Ticket Templates 

Ticket templates are one of the best ways to save your team time and make managing tickets easier. ConnectWise allows you to create templates to automate certain common functions. These can include scheduling meetings or the appropriate steps for a technician to take for various tasks. You can also generate ticket templates specific to different clients, ensuring you offer the best, tailored service and keep clients happy.  

Make Workflow Rules For Your Team To Follow 

For a ticketing process to be successful, you will need a suitable workflow. This will standardize the service provided and ensure that your clients receive consistent, high-level service. You will need to ensure your workflow doesn’t allow tickets to fall through the cracks or incorrectly state that a task is complete. You should make sure there is a process for escalating tickets when a technician is faced with an issue they are not confident handling themselves.  

Train Your Team Comprehensively 

Your team should understand fully how to operate ConnectWise and any additional tools you use. They should be trained in the workflow rules when starting at the business. Top down training should be provided whenever the process changes.  

It may also be beneficial to provide your staff with a guidebook including all of the tags and templates for tickets and what situations they are most commonly used in. This can be particularly beneficial if your business deals with a broad range of issues across multiple client businesses.  

Color Code Your Tickets 

Color coding can be an excellent way to make your ticketing system more manageable for employees. You could allow each team member to color-code their tickets based on their own processes or implement company-wide color systems to reinforce the standard practices further. ConnectWise allows color-coding of their ticketing systems, which is just one of the many reasons businesses find it to be such a valuable tool.  

Streamline Your Processes With A Chrome Extension  

There are a number of tools available to help you get the most out of ConnectWise. Here at ServiceTree, we offer an excellent Chrome Extension that eliminates lost tickets and streamlines the entire process. Our tool simplifies the process for your technicians, allowing them to work through their allotted tickets quickly and efficiently.  

Review Your Processes Regularly 

Any business process should be regularly reviewed to ensure it still provides the efficiency your company needs. You should ensure that your workflow processes are reviewed periodically and identify any areas for improvement. It is a good idea to ask your team to give their insight into how you could improve processes. As the people that use your workflow most frequently, your team will be able to provide invaluable feedback.  

Make Escalation Easy 

Escalating ensures that your customers’ tickets get to the person that needs to handle them. You should ensure that all technicians of all levels understand when a ticket needs to be escalated. It is a good idea to ensure all team members are able to escalate using dedicated boards and processes for escalation.  

Utilize Feedback Options 

Feedback is critical for businesses that want to improve their practices and ensure their customers get the best possible service. Feedback from employees, clients and managers can all be invaluable for your business. You should ensure that feedback is collected properly and taken on board by the relevant parties.  


ConnectWise is an excellent tool that many businesses can benefit from using. Ticketing is one of its primary functions, and it is one that can benefit any business. You should ensure that you have suitable processes in place for ticketing to be sure that tickets will get to where they need to be. It is a good idea to aim to have client contact resolved within one contact with your team. A back and forth between your team and clients can lead to frustration. Proper use of ticketing can ensure that a client’s query or issue is resolved fully and in good time.  

You should utilize all the tools at your disposal to get the most out of ConnectWise ticketing. If you want to know more and find ways to boost the effectiveness of your ticketing process, get in touch with us here at ServiceTree today.

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